The Malta Racing Association (M.R.A.) was founded by a very hard working guy – Mr. Alfred Spiteri. Mr. Spiteri together with the help of other committee members organized the first ever Quarter Mile in Malta. The event was held on the 25th Anniversary of Independence Day – May 1989. It was something special for us to see an event organized semi-professionally and lots of cars participated in the first every quarter mile. From then on, things started to change and the club began holding annual general meetings. with fresh ideas coming from different people inside the committees. During the years, most of the committee people have changed with younger members in the committee, and the track was getting developed very fast. What was done at the track was done by none other than our club members and spectators at our events. Some years ago, the clubs name was changed to Malta Drag Racing Association. Matters were taken more seriously than ever and the committee of that time started to professionally develop the track, with all the safety needed. Lots of money has been spent during the past years and today, we can say that we have one of the best tracks in Europe.
Extract from: Portatree.com